Jordanian Arabic

Jordanian Arabic Course
About The Jordanian Arabic:

The Jordanian dialect is one of the colloquial Arabic dialects that follow the Levantine dialects, spoken by Jordanians in general. Jordanian dialects vary by region; there is the North and South dialects, as well as the peasant and Bedouin dialects. The widespread dialect spoken by most Jordanians today is a hybrid dialect that began to form in the early 1900s, with a clear influence on the northern dialect. In general, Jordanian cities still retain their own vocabulary, and differences in pronunciation can also be observed.
Jordanian dialects are divided into five sections:
Northern dialect: spoken by the people of areas from Amman to the north of the country. While there are differences in the pronunciation style, but whoever says "كنت" with a dumma on the Kaf and pronounces the Qaf as the Egyptian gym is associated with this dialect. Circassians, Chechens and others were affected by the migrants.
Southern dialect: spoken by the people of Karak, Tafila, Maan and Shoubak. Whoever does not open the last النسبة (political-socio-economic) in the sense that says "سياسي" "اقتصادي" is affiliated with this dialect
he Bedouin dialect is spoken by Bedouins in Jordan and follows the Arabic Bedouin dialect, which is not widely used in urban areas.The Akbawi dialect is a mixture of Egyptian, Hijazi and Ghazzawi, and has not been influenced by Jordanian dialects.The hybrid dialect: a dialect influenced mainly by the northern dialect, has become widespread and spoken by most Jordanians.

Turkish language influence on Jordanian Dialect
Ottoman administrative rule of Arab country lasted more than hundred years; 1516-1918- , during that time Jordan was part of  the state of Syria, many Turkish words entered into the Arabic language at that period because it was the government official language of writing , conduction of business, science, and it was taught in schools, it was the language of the educated and the cultured , many Jordanian served in the Ottoman army and have direct relation with the capital Istanbul , currently there are more than 1100 Turkish words in Jordanian; such as military ranks, government official job titles and regular job titles, it is relatively easy to detect those, since they end with the "-ji" suffix. In Egypt, the J sound becomes G (like in Garden). Many of those have become family names such as مكوجي Makwaji means Clothes ironer, سفرجي Sofraji means waiter. شوربجي Shorbaji means soup maker,خاشقجي Khashokji means spoon maker. In Topkapi Museum in Istanbul, there is a diamond called after that name. Also, the Saudi millionaire arms dealer Adnan Khashokji is named so as well as Adnan Khashokji, the Washington Post Saudi writer who was killed by the Saudis in their consulate in Istanbul. طوبجي Tobji means a Gunner/Artillery, صابونجي Sabonji means soap maker عطشجي Tishji means train water caretaker (from the days of steam engines) قهوجي Qahwaji means Coffee shop waiter بلتاجي Beltaji which could mean could mean wood cutter or axman, from the Turkish baltacı, that means also halberdier in the army. توتنجي Tutunji means Tobacco seller, , كبابجي Kababji maker of Kabab (skewered meat) قبطان koboudan means captain (pilot at sea). Also there are many proper names such as Mejdy, Shokry, Sabry, Yosry, Fikri, Hikmat, Hishmat, Izzat, Ismat, and Shawkat.

About The Jordanian Arabic Course:
This course will introduce you to Jordanian Arabic using the dialect of Amman. The aim of the course is to build your vocabulary and introduce you to common greetings and expressions. To this purpose, it features full-length situational conversations pertaining to daily life in Jordan. This method was chosen in order for you to learn vocabulary and expressions in context. The lessons are entertaining and reflect authentic dialect usage. Grammar and phonetics will be explained in context.
We also recommend, for the sake of having a strong Arabic language skills, not to abandon your MSA studies because all dialect use a combination of spoken format and MSA in both vocabulary and pronunciation, that will make both form of your Arabic stronger. Generally speaking, an educated Arab speaking format is semi-formal, i.e. not overly colloquial but also not purely MSA.
Please note that this course will be with a live instructor, it is not a recorded video or audio. You will meet on specific fixed time and day every week or however frequently your class is. Class day and time will be determine by you and the instructor during your enrollment. 
If you can’t read Arabic, not necessarily understand every word you read, or you used to know how from your previous studies but now you are not certain about your reading skill, we strongly recommend taking an introductory MSA course before you begin the Jordanian dialect course, The reason is the Jordanian dialect textbook is entirely written in Arabic script without transliterations for all Arabic content. If you are not sure of your Arabic language reading skills skill please give us a call for a five minutes chat. 
Days/Time: TBD
Duration: Five live consecutive online sessions per term. Lessons take place once a week and last two hours each. This gives a total of 10 hours tuition.
Course tuition: $500
Textbook: Jordanian Arabic
Instructor: A Ph.D instructor, TBD.
Quorum Requirement: One student. 
​​Meeting place: ​Online

Below is a sample of the Jordanian dialect book that we will be using in this course. This book will introduce you to Jordanian Arabic using the dialect of Amman. The aim of the book is to build your vocabulary and introduce you to common greetings and expressions. To this purpose, it features full-length situational conversations pertaining to daily life in Jordon. This method was chosen in order for you to learn vocabulary and expressions in context. This book is suitable for those who have already studied Arabic to at least lower-intermediate level. You must be familiar with basic grammar and vocabulary, as well as with the Arabic alphabet. (If you study Arabic using the Al-Kitaab textbook, you should have finished studying Al-Kitb. Part One.)
فِي المَطْعَم

الأَب: جَهْزُو حَالْكُم ...رَح أَخُدْكُم اليُّوم عَلَى المَطْعَم نِتْعَشَى ونْغَيِّر جَو..
حَسَن: بتِحْكِي عَن جَد يَابَا؟!! وَالله فَرَّحْتْنَا كِتِير...
الأَب: واللاَّ كِيف رَح أَخُدْكُم وأ خُد أُمْكُم قَبِلْكُم.
بَسْمَة: خَلَص نرُوح نِلبِس ونجَهِّز حَالْنَا هَلأ يَابَا..
الأُم: فِكْرَة حِلْوَة كتِير يَاأَبُو الحَسَن!! الله يخَلِّيك فُوق رُوسْنَا..
الجَرْسُون: مَسَا الخِير كِيف بَقْدِر أَخْدِمْكُم؟!
الأَب: بِدِّي مَشَاوي مشَكَلِة...
الجَرْسُون: فِي عَنَّا كَمَان سَمَك اِذَا بِدْكُم؟
الأُم: شُو رَأيكُم لَو كَان جَاج مسَحَّب؟ بِيكُون أَحْسَن لِلولاد...
بَسْمَة: مَابِدْنَا سَمَك...مَا بحِب لاأَنَا وَلا حَسَن..
الأَب: يَاريت تجِبِلْنَا شوَيِّة سَلَطَات ومخَلِّلات مَعَ المَشَاوي..
يَعْنِي تَشْكِيلَة ..سَلَطَة خَضْرَا..وسَلَطِة حُمُّص وسَلَطِة لَبَن بِخْيَار(سلطة زبادي) ...وسَلَطِة طَرْطُور (سلطة بقدونس بطحينة).
الجَرسُون: حَاضِر يَاسِيدِي..
حَسَن: طَيِّب مُمْكِن أَخُد بَطَاطَا مَقْلِيَّة؟
الجَرْسُون: اِن شَالله عَلَى عِينِي..
الأُم: لَو سَمَحْت خَلِّي الكُولا والبِيبْسِي بَعْد العَشَا عَشَان الولاد يَاكْلُو منِيح ..
الجَرسُون: حَاضِر خَيتَا...اِنْتُو بَس أَرْبَع أَشْخَاص؟
الأَب: أَيوَه بَس أَرْبَعَة مَاحَدَا جَاي مَعْنَا..
بَسْمَة: لَو سَمَحْت مَاتِنسَى الكِيتْشَب والمَايونِيز والمَسْطَرْدَة..
الجَرْسُون: حَاضِر يَاأَمُورَة عَلَى عِينِي..كُل الأَطْفَال مَابِيَاكْلُوش مِن غِيرْهَا..
الأُم: الله يُسْتُر كُل هَالشَّغْلات فِيهُم مَوَاد حَافْظَة!!
الأَب: يَاللاَّ خَلِّيهُم ينْبِسْطُو...شُو رَأَيكُم تقُومُو تِلْعَبُو شوَي عَلَى بِين مَايجِي الأَكْل؟
بَسْمَة: حَاضِر يَابَابَا...يَاللاَّ يَاحَسَن..
الأَب: مِن زَمَان مَاطلِعْنَا سَوَا!!
الأُم: الله يعْطِيك العَافْيَة يَارَجَّال..لاِنْت عَم تِتْعَب كتِير فِي الشُّغل..

غَلاء الأَسعَار                                         
فَرَج: شَباب مِن غِير اِحرَاج...كُل شِي غَلْيَان فِي هَاالبَلَد..المَاي والكَهْرَبَا ...يعنِي عَدَم المُؤَاخَذِة أَيَّا وَاحَد بِيُطْلُب طَلَب مِش يُقعُود طُول النْهَار عَلِيه!!!!
زُبُون: مِش فَاهِم!! اِيش بَدَّك؟!كُل نُص سَاعَة نُطلُب طَلَب!!
فَرَج: اه يَاحَبِيبِي ..كُل نُص سَاعَة بِدَّك تُطلُب طَلَب..هَاي مِش كَافِيتِيريا جَامِعِيِّة!!..الشَّاي بِنجِيبُه مِن بَرَّه والبِن بِنجِيبُه اِستِيرَاد كَمَان وبَعدِين اللِّي مِش عَاجْبُه ينَتِّف حَوَاجبُه..
نِزَار: مَالَك يَافَرَج!؟ مَالك؟! اِلِي سَاعَة سَامِع فِيك ومِش فَاتِح تِمِّي بِوَلا كِلمِة! الكَهرَبَا سِرجِة (سرقة) والمَاي لاطِش مَاسُورَة مِن وَرَى العَدَاد ..النَّعنّع عَم بِتلَقْطُه مِن الأَرِض...
فَرَج: وَالله حَرَام عَلِيك يَا نِزَار....
نِزَار: يحرَم جِلدَك عَن عَضمَك...رُوح رُوح سَاويلِي كَاسَة شَاي بِالنَّعْنَع ..خَلِّينِي أَمَخمِخ...واِنتُوا يَاشَبَاب الأَسعَار زَيِ مَاهِي...فِش اِشِي غِلِي وفَرَج كَان بِيمْزَح مَعَكُم...
فَرَج: خَلَص بِيكَفِّي يَازَلَمِة!! 
نِزَار: مَالَك يَافَرَج؟! مَالَك؟! وَالله مَخنُوجِين ...مَالنَا الاَّ الجَهَاوي (القهاوي) نُجْعُد فِيهَا لَيكُون بَدَّك اِتدَفِّعْنَا حَج الهَوَا يَاللِّي بِنْشِمُّه ...كُلُّه ملَوَّث الهَوا!!
زُبُون: طُول عُمْرَك كِبِير وحَجَّانِي( حقاني) ودُوغري يَانِزَار...بَعدِين مَع هَاالغَلا يَاشَبَاب؟!!!!!
نِزَار: بُكرَه رَح نسَاوي مُظَاهَرَة ضِد غَلاء الأَسْعَار ...مِين بَدُّه يشَارِك؟
زُبُون: بِنْشَارِك لِيش لَأ؟!!
نِزَار: الله يكُون بعُونكُم يَاشَبَاب..كُل شِي فِي هَا البَلَد صَار غَالِي...اِيش بَدْهَا النَّاس تسَاوي يَعْنِي؟!! وين كَاسَة الشَّاي يَافَرَج؟!! وحُطِّلِّي عِرِج (عرق) نَعنَع مِن يَاللِّي بِتْلَجْطُه (يجمعه سرقة من الارض او الزراعات)......

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